Volume 38 Issue 5
Oct.  2014
Article Contents


Effects of self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil in prevention of radiation-induced skin injury

  • Corresponding author: Zushan Xu, xuzushan@163.com
  • Received Date: 2013-12-14
  • Objective To observe the effects of self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil in prevention of radiation-induced skin injury. Methods Ninety-nine head and neck neoplasm patients who received radiotherapy were divided randomly into three groups: group A(34 cases), group B(33 cases) and group C(32 cases).Before radiation, group A was treated with self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil directly applied on the exposure field skin.After radiation, such medicine oil was continued to apply for three days at a frequency of three times a day till the end of the radiotherapy; group B was treated with medical radiation protection spray; group C was treated with moisture exposed burn ointment.The methods applied on group B and group C were the same as that of the group A. Results The incidence rate of radiation-induced skin injury of group A was 14.7%; while the incidence rate was 21.2% for group B and 46.9% for group C.The difference between group A and group B beard no statistical significance(χ2=0.4822, P>0.05); while there were statistically significant differences between group A and group C(χ2=8.0772, P < 0.01), group B and group C(χ2=4.7786, P < 0.05). Conclusions The self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil has similar preventive effect to medical radiation protection spray on radiation-induced skin injury and is obviously superior to moisture exposed burn ointment.And self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil is featured by satisfying curative effect, easy operation, convenient handling, etc.Because of the lower price, the self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil is more suitable for application than the medical radiation protection spray.
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  • [1] 韩素萍, 王强, 高欣.中药外敷治疗急性放射性皮肤损伤128例疗效观察[J].新中医, 2008, 40(3): 22-23.
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    [6] 谢继青, 李玉华, 杨春梅, 等.超氧化物歧化酶的药理作用[J].中国生化药物杂志, 2009, 30(1): 72-75.
    [7] 廖建鄂, 匡玉琴.自制松花粉膏治疗乳腺癌患者放射性皮肤损伤效果观察[J].国际护理学杂志, 2013, 32(1): 210-211.
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Effects of self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil in prevention of radiation-induced skin injury

    Corresponding author: Zushan Xu, xuzushan@163.com
  • Department of Imaging, Weihai Wendeng Central Hospital, Wendeng 264400, China

Abstract:  Objective To observe the effects of self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil in prevention of radiation-induced skin injury. Methods Ninety-nine head and neck neoplasm patients who received radiotherapy were divided randomly into three groups: group A(34 cases), group B(33 cases) and group C(32 cases).Before radiation, group A was treated with self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil directly applied on the exposure field skin.After radiation, such medicine oil was continued to apply for three days at a frequency of three times a day till the end of the radiotherapy; group B was treated with medical radiation protection spray; group C was treated with moisture exposed burn ointment.The methods applied on group B and group C were the same as that of the group A. Results The incidence rate of radiation-induced skin injury of group A was 14.7%; while the incidence rate was 21.2% for group B and 46.9% for group C.The difference between group A and group B beard no statistical significance(χ2=0.4822, P>0.05); while there were statistically significant differences between group A and group C(χ2=8.0772, P < 0.01), group B and group C(χ2=4.7786, P < 0.05). Conclusions The self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil has similar preventive effect to medical radiation protection spray on radiation-induced skin injury and is obviously superior to moisture exposed burn ointment.And self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil is featured by satisfying curative effect, easy operation, convenient handling, etc.Because of the lower price, the self-made traditional Chinese medicine oil is more suitable for application than the medical radiation protection spray.


  • 头颈部肿瘤由于其特定的解剖位置和对射线的敏感性,放射治疗的效果尤为突出,是其主要的治疗手段之一,但放射治疗不可避免地引起受照部位的皮肤损伤。据统计,肿瘤放疗患者皮肤损伤的发生率为91.4%,因损伤严重而被迫中断治疗的发生率为58.1%[1]。为了减轻患者的痛苦,使放疗顺利进行,以及寻找经济、有效的减轻放射性皮肤损伤的措施,经我院伦理委员会批准,本研究于2011年2月至2012年3月在患者放疗前后外涂自制中药油(已获国家发明专利,专利号ZL201010607450.9),发现其能有效预防放射性皮肤损伤的发生,现将结果报道如下。

1.   资料与方法

    1.1.   一般资料

  • 选取2011年2月至2012年3月经病理学证实为头颈部肿瘤并接受放疗的患者99例,其中,男性60例、女性39例,年龄24~69岁,平均(42.0±3.6)岁; 99例患者中,鼻咽癌53例、喉癌21例、舌癌10例、副鼻窦癌15例,均采用6MV-X线进行常规分割放疗,日放疗剂量为2.0 Gy,总放疗剂量为60~70 Gy; 放疗频率为5次/周,1次/d。按入院先后顺序,采用随机数字法将99例患者分为A组(34例)、B组(33例)和C组(32例),所有患者或家属均被告知并签署知情同意书。3组患者年龄、性别、病理分型、营养状况、照射剂量之间的差异无统计学意义,且具有可比性(表 1)。

    组别 例数 性别 年龄(岁) 临床诊断 病理分型 放射剂量(Gy)
    ≤40 >40 鼻咽癌 喉癌 舌癌 副鼻窦癌 鳞癌 腺癌 未分化癌 60 65 70
    A组 34 22 12 14 20 18 8 4 4 23 5 6 6 17 11
    B组 33 20 13 15 18 19 7 2 5 21 4 8 5 15 13
    C组 32 18 14 15 17 16 6 4 6 22 5 5 6 15 11

    Table 1.  Comparison on general data of patients in group A, group B and group C(case)

  • 1.2.   材料

  • A组采用自制中药油,其基本方药组成为:紫草15 g、青黛6 g、黄连6 g、大黄15 g、乳香12 g、没药12 g、麻油500 ml; 中药制剂批准文号:鲁药制字Z10080014。B组选用医用射线防护喷剂,其主要成分是超氧化物歧化酶,由苏州市劲奥医疗器械有限公司生产,生产批号: 20110115。湿润烧伤膏其主要成分有黄连、黄柏、地龙、罂粟壳,由汕头市美宝制药有限公司生产,生产批号: 1204903A。

  • 1.3.   使用方法和观察指标

  • (1) 使用方法:放疗前对患者进行放射野皮肤防护知识宣教:保持照射野皮肤清洁,日常使用温水清洗,避免摩擦和阳光照射,勿涂刺激性药物; 勤剪指甲,宜穿宽松的棉质衣服,出现瘙痒、脱屑、裂皮时不用手搔抓及撕剥。A组于照射前将自制中药油外涂于照射野皮肤上,每平方厘米涂抹约0.1 ml,照射(治疗结束)后继续用药3 d,3次/d,直至放疗结束; B组采用医用射线防护喷剂; C组采用湿润烧伤膏。B组和C组的用药方法均同A组。(2)观察指标:根据美国放射肿瘤学研究中心和欧洲放射肿瘤学会急性皮肤放射损伤分级标准[2],对皮肤放射性损伤分级如下: 0级:无变化; Ⅰ级:轻微的红斑或干性脱皮; Ⅱ级:中度的红斑,斑块状湿性脱皮; Ⅲ级:直径≥1.5 cm融合性湿性脱皮,且位于皮肤皱褶处,凹陷性水肿,微小创伤或擦伤即可出血; Ⅳ级:全真皮层的皮肤坏死或溃疡,受累部位自发性出血,包括非外伤引起出血。(3)病情观察:每日早、晚两次由专人负责检查照射野皮肤,并作记录,连续观察14 d。

  • 1.4.   统计学方法

  • 采用SPSS 10.0统计学软件,对3组发生放射性皮肤损伤的例数采用χ2检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2.   结果
  • A组患者放射性皮肤损伤的发生率为14.7%,B组为21.2%,C组为46.9%,A、B两组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.4822,P>0.05);A、C两组间比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.0772,P<0.01);B、C两组间比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.7786,P<0.05)(表 2)。

    组别 例数 放射性皮肤损伤分级(例) 放射性皮肤损伤发生率(%)
    A组 34 29 1 4 0 0 14.7
    B组 33 26 1 5 1 0 21.2
    C组 32 17 3 8 4 0 46.9

    Table 2.  Comparison on incident rate of radiation-induced skin injury of patients among group A, group B and group C

3.   讨论
  • 放射性皮肤损伤是肿瘤患者放疗后最常见的并发症,而且是放疗中断的主要原因,临床处理非常棘手,已引起了临床医护人员的广泛关注。本研究根据中医学“不治已病治未病”的理念,即以预防为主的原则,在放疗的同时应用中药油外涂,取得了较好的效果。放射性皮肤损伤的发病机制主要为射线可导致过度的细胞凋亡,还可产生氧自由基损伤基底层细胞,由于损伤部位多种生长因子含量不足,从而引起急性皮肤损伤[3],多发生于颈部、会阴等皮肤皱褶多、潮湿处。中医理论认为,放射性皮肤损伤是由于热毒过盛,火毒郁于肌肤,热盛则肉腐,从而产生脱屑、溃疡; 热邪伤阴,热毒内郁而见脱屑、热痒; 热入营血,血热互结,外发于皮肤而出现红斑; 血失濡润,气血凝滞,经络阻塞而致灼痛,属中医学烧伤、烫伤等范畴[1]。针对这一病机特点,治则以清热凉血、化瘀解毒、止痛生肌为主。

    曾有报道用皮质醇类乳膏预防放射性皮肤损伤取得了一定的效果,如Shukla等[4]报道倍氯米松对急性放射性皮肤损伤有一定的预防效果,Boström等[5]研究表明1%莫米松对急性放射性皮肤损伤有预防作用。但由于皮质激素可以使皮肤变薄,局部使用是否会延迟愈合、掩盖甚至加重皮肤感染的发生尚不清楚,因此应谨慎使用。本研究中紫草具有清热凉血、活血生肌、祛腐滋润之功效,且有抗菌消炎的作用,局部用药可促进创面愈合; 青黛具有清热、泻火、凉血、解毒的功能; 大黄能起泻热、凉血、解毒、逐瘀通经的作用,大黄中所含儿茶类化合物可以降低毛细血管通透性,减少创面液体外渗,其有效单体大黄素可抑菌、抗炎、改善微循环,促进肉芽组织生长和表皮生成; 黄连具有清热燥湿、降火、解毒敛湿、祛风止痒的作用,且有显著的抑菌作用; 乳香、没药具有活血行气、止痛、祛腐生肌的作用; 油剂对创面起到一种屏蔽作用,能够避免外界细菌进入创面,同时使用麻油也起到一种保湿和润肤生肌的作用,湿润的环境是创面愈合的良好条件之一。诸药共用,具有用药安全、无不良反应、效果好等优点。

    中药油预防放射性皮肤损伤的效果等同于医用射线防护喷剂,甚至还略具优势; 明显优于湿润烧伤膏。医用射线防护喷剂的主要成分是超氧化物歧化酶,它是生物体内重要的超氧阴离子自由基清除剂,是生物体防御氧化损伤的一种重要的酶,是放射损伤较理想的防护剂[6],近年来被临床广泛应用。湿润烧伤膏具有解毒、祛腐生肌、活血化瘀的作用,但无抑菌作用,对防治创面感染作用不足,不利于皮肤损伤的创面愈合[7]。本研究结果显示,A组在使用中药油后放射性皮肤损伤的发生率为14.7%,而B组使用医用射线防护喷剂后放射性皮肤损伤的发生率为21.2%,C组使用湿润烧伤膏后放射性皮肤损伤的发生率为46.9%,A组和B组比较其差异虽无统计学意义,但均低于文献报道的发生率(91.4%)[1]。本研究结果提示,中药油的预防效果等同于医用射线防护喷剂,两者均具有操作简单、使用方便、效果好等优点; 且每瓶中药油价格(8.9元/30 ml)显著低于医用射线防护喷剂(418元/30 ml),在效果等同或略优的情况下,仅从经济的角度考虑,中药油更容易被患者接受,更具有实用价值。


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