Volume 38 Issue 5
Oct.  2014
Article Contents


Influence of the high level of blood glucose on the metabolism of brain glucose

  • Corresponding author: Yuetao Wang, yuetao-w@163.com
  • Received Date: 2013-11-11
  • Objective To analyze the influence of the high level of blood glucose on the metabolism of brain glucose by comparing the brain PET images of the groups with different level of blood glucose. Methods Two hundred and thirty-six consecutive patients with high level of blood glucose were divided into two groups by with the history of diabetes mellitus(DM) or not: one hundred and five patients with DM, while one hundred and thirty-one patients without DM.Two hundred and ninety-two healthy people with similar age were selected as a normal control group.All the people were underwent PET/CT imaging.Body mass index (BMI) was counted.The brain imaging was analyzed by the Siemens Scenium software to get and analyze the SUV means(SUVmean) of the brain zones in the three groups. Results The BMI between the two groups with high level of blood glucose has no significant difference(t=0.464, P>0.05), while they were higher than that in the normal control group(t=4.742 and 3.244, both P < 0.05).Comparing the cerebral metabolism of the brain zones, the metabolism of calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex were the highest, while the metabolism of mesial temporal lobe and cerebellun were lower.As the blood glucose levels increased, the SUVmean in the normal control group, the high level of blood glucose group(without DM) and the high level of blood glucose(with DM) were gradually decreased. Conclusion High level of blood glucose can reduce the metabolism of glucose in the brain, it can be helpful to investigate the pathogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy.
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Influence of the high level of blood glucose on the metabolism of brain glucose

    Corresponding author: Yuetao Wang, yuetao-w@163.com
  • Department of Nuclear Medicine, the First People′s Hospital of Changzhou, Changzhou 213003, China

Abstract:  Objective To analyze the influence of the high level of blood glucose on the metabolism of brain glucose by comparing the brain PET images of the groups with different level of blood glucose. Methods Two hundred and thirty-six consecutive patients with high level of blood glucose were divided into two groups by with the history of diabetes mellitus(DM) or not: one hundred and five patients with DM, while one hundred and thirty-one patients without DM.Two hundred and ninety-two healthy people with similar age were selected as a normal control group.All the people were underwent PET/CT imaging.Body mass index (BMI) was counted.The brain imaging was analyzed by the Siemens Scenium software to get and analyze the SUV means(SUVmean) of the brain zones in the three groups. Results The BMI between the two groups with high level of blood glucose has no significant difference(t=0.464, P>0.05), while they were higher than that in the normal control group(t=4.742 and 3.244, both P < 0.05).Comparing the cerebral metabolism of the brain zones, the metabolism of calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex were the highest, while the metabolism of mesial temporal lobe and cerebellun were lower.As the blood glucose levels increased, the SUVmean in the normal control group, the high level of blood glucose group(without DM) and the high level of blood glucose(with DM) were gradually decreased. Conclusion High level of blood glucose can reduce the metabolism of glucose in the brain, it can be helpful to investigate the pathogenesis of diabetic encephalopathy.


  • 在发展中国家,糖尿病的发病率逐年提高,其伴随的严重的肾、视网膜、末梢神经及血管等并发症给人们的健康带来很大的危害。近年来,糖尿病的中枢神经系统并发症“糖尿病脑病”逐渐被人们认识[1]。大量流行病学研究发现,糖尿病会增加阿尔茨海默病的发病率[2],而脑能量代谢障碍是导致神经退行性变疾病的重要原因之一。本研究通过对不同血糖人群脑PET图像的比较,分析高血糖对脑葡萄糖代谢的影响。

1.   资料与方法

    1.1.   一般资料

  • 选取2011年9月至2013年3月在我中心行全身PET/CT检查发现的血糖增高(高血糖)者236例[依据《全国临床检验操作规程》第3版中的诊断标准:高血糖是指血糖(葡萄糖)水平>6.1 mmol/L],年龄28~74岁,平均年龄(51.9±8.5)岁。按照既往有无糖尿病史再分成两组:高血糖无糖尿病组131例和高血糖有糖尿病组105例; 并以血糖增高者的平均年龄±5岁为范围选择血糖正常对照组292例,年龄47~57岁,所有入选正常对照组的受检者必须符合以下条件: ①既往身体健康,近期无身体不适; ②本次PET及CT检查未发现脑部异常占位、畸形及脑血管疾病,未发现身体其他部位有恶性肿瘤等重大器质性疾病; ③PET检查前空腹血糖水平<6.1 mmol/L; ④无脑血管意外、癫痫、脑外伤、脑肿瘤史; ⑤无精神异常史; ⑥无酒精或药物滥用史; ⑦无甲状腺功能亢进症、糖尿病等代谢性疾病史; ⑧右利手。


  • 1.2.   图像采集

  • 显像仪器为德国Siemens公司Biograph mCT 64型PET/CT仪,18F-FDG由南京江原安迪科正电子研究发展有限公司提供,放化纯度>95%。受检者于检查前日20: 00开始禁食,检查前夜保证充足睡眠。注射显像剂前检测葡萄糖水平,测量身高、体重,计算体重指数,计算公式为:体重指数=体重(kg)/身高(m)2。根据体重按5.55 MBq/kg计算显像剂剂量并静脉注射18F-FDG。注射后受检者保持静息30 min,佩戴眼罩及耳塞以减少外界声光的刺激。显像时受检者处于安静、光线较暗的环境中,闭眼、塞耳。先行Topogram定位扫描,电流35 mA,电压120 kV,扫描层厚0.6 mm,扫描时间2.8 s; 选取范围(1个PET床位)后接着行CT扫描,电流370 mA,电压120 kV,准直0.6 mm,扫描时间16.01 s,重建层厚3.0 mm; 然后行PET扫描,采集1个床位,时间5 min。采用后处理工作站TureD系统进行图像重建,形成横断面、冠状面、矢状面断层图像及三维投影图像。

  • 1.3.   图像处理

  • 使用德国Siemens公司脑功能分析软件(Scenium软件)在Leonardo工作站中对PET图像进行处理。导入PET图像至Scenium软件,点击“Fusion to Normal”,将PET图像标准化到蒙特利尔神经学研究所的标准脑图谱。点击“Analysis”,根据软件自带的脑区划分模板,将标准化后的脑PET图像划分为20个基本脑区(额叶L/R、颞叶L/R、顶叶L/R、扣带回L/R、中央区L/R、枕叶L/R、距状裂及周围皮层L/R、基底节L/R、内侧颞叶L/R、小脑L/R)。对每个PET图像进行上述处理,得到每位受检者的脑区SUV平均值(SUVmean)。

  • 1.4.   统计学分析

  • 采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行分析,计量数据以x±s表示。3组数据间均数的比较采用方差分析,组内的两两比较采用S-N-K检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2.   结果
  • 正常对照组、高血糖无糖尿病组和高血糖有糖尿病组3组间年龄差异无统计学意义(F=2.149,P>0.05);3组间体重指数差异有统计学意义(F=13.154,P<0.05),2个高血糖组间体重指数差异无统计学意义(t=0.464,P>0.05),但均明显高于正常对照组(t=4.742和3.244,P均<0.05);3组的葡萄糖水平逐渐升高,即:正常对照组<高血糖无糖尿病组<高血糖有糖尿病组,且差异有统计学意义(F=477.453,P<0.05)(表 1)。

    组别 例数 年龄(岁) 葡萄糖水平(mmol/L) 体重指数(kg/m2 不同脑区SUV平均值
    额叶L 额叶R 颞叶L 颞叶R
    正常对照组 292 51.0±3.1 5.32±0.42 24.50±2.92 8.11±2.22 8.03±2.19 7.34±2.06 7.94±2.09
    高血糖无糖尿病组 131 51.5±8.5 6.60±0.67 25.97±3.01 7.36±2.06 7.28±2.06 6.99±1.88 7.18±1.96
    高血糖有糖尿病组 105 52.4±8.4 8.17±1.56 25.78±3.61 5.55±1.46 5.49±1.38 5.31±1.40 5.45±1.39
    F 2.149 477.453 13.154 59.995 61.279 62.698 63.882
    P P > 0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05
    组别 不同脑区SUV平均值
    顶叶L 顶叶R 扣带回L 扣带回R 中央区L 中央区R 枕叶L 枕叶R
    正常对照组 7.98±2.15 7.88±2.10 7.82±2.00 7.69±1.99 7.91±2.11 7.67±2.00 8.43±2.24 8.51±2.27
    高血糖无糖尿病组 7.12±2.02 7.05±2.00 7.05±1.88 6.98±1.94 7.12±1.98 6.91±1.91 7.55±2.03 7.61±2.09
    高血糖有糖尿病组 5.40±1.38 5.36±1.34 5.41±1.32 5.32±1.32 5.35±1.39 5.24±1.31 5.65±1.45 5.73±1.50
    F 65.483 65.355 65.921 62.695 66.348 66.567 70.742 68.209
    P P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05
    组别 不同脑区SUV平均值
    距状裂及周围皮层L 距状裂及周围皮层R 基底节L 基底节R 内侧颞叶L 内侧颞叶R 小脑L 小脑R
    正常对照组 10.00±2.70 9.60±2.68 7.98±2.11 8.07±2.11 5.05±1.17 5.15±1.21 6.52±1.48 6.36±1.46
    高血糖无糖尿病组 8.94±2.42 8.57±2.46 7.13±1.96 7.26±1.95 4.61±1.07 4.68±1.07 6.05±1.40 5.89±1.40
    高血糖有糖尿病组 6.59±1.78 6.38±1.74 5.45±1.43 5.57±1.43 3.66±0.78 3.72±0.79 4.63±0.97 4.48±0.99
    F 73.696 66.133 65.195 63.916 64.164 64.978 73.335 74.201
    P P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05 P<0.05

    Table 1.  The comparison of indicators between the group of high blood glucose and normal control  (x±s)

    通过比较同一组内不同脑区的SUVmean发现,距状裂及周围皮层L/R代谢水平最高,而内侧颞叶L/R、小脑L/R的代谢水平较低。随着各组平均葡萄糖水平的升高,不同脑区的SUVmean逐步降低,正常对照组>高血糖无糖尿病组>高血糖有糖尿病组,且3组间差异有统计学意义(F=59.995~74.201,P均<0.05)(表 1)。

3.   讨论
  • 18F-FDG作为揭示体内葡萄糖代谢情况的显像剂,其影像不仅能反映组织、器官的形态解剖学结构,更重要的是能反映其摄取及利用葡萄糖的功能状况。脑质量约占体质量的2%,但其耗氧量与耗能量却占全身的20%,且99%以葡萄糖为能源,耗糖量占全身供糖量的25%[3]。虽严重饥饿时随着体内酮体的增加,脑组织也能逐步利用酮体作为部分能量底物,但在生理状态下,葡萄糖是脑唯一的能量底物,并且不受激素水平的影响。由此可以看出,血糖浓度是影响生理状态下正常脑组织18F-FDG摄取的重要因素。

    本研究中,两组高血糖组体重指数明显高于正常对照组。国内学者通过大样本的研究也发现,体重指数与高血糖的高检出率密切相关[4],且体重指数与糖尿病的患病率有显著的相关性[5]; 本研究中高血糖有糖尿病组体重指数略低于高血糖无糖尿病组,但差异无统计学意义,原因可能与患者自身的药物控制有关。既往研究发现,脑内消耗葡萄糖较高的区域有皮层、丘脑、内外侧膝状体、中脑的上丘和下丘; 而消耗葡萄糖较低的区域有下丘脑、脑桥灰质、大脑白质。脑功能活跃的区域其血流量和葡萄糖消耗量较多[6]。本研究3组的20个脑区中,距状裂及周围皮层的代谢水平最高,而内侧颞叶及小脑代谢水平最低,这与上述观点基本相符。

    Hirvonen等[7]研究发现,对于空腹状态的正常人,胰岛素可以最大程度地刺激脑葡萄糖代谢; 而对于糖耐量受损的人群,胰岛素的这种作用减低。本研究中,高血糖无糖尿病组的空腹血糖水平高于正常对照组,其可能存在一定程度的糖耐量异常(减低),其脑葡萄代谢较正常对照组减低,原因可能就与胰岛素刺激作用减弱有关,而糖耐量减低是糖尿病发展中的一个阶段。对于高血糖有糖尿病组,胰岛素的脑代谢刺激作用还将进一步减低,这就能解释为何高血糖有糖尿病组的脑代谢水平低于高血糖无糖尿病组。


    从影像学诊断的角度出发,血糖水平对脑18F-FDG显像影响的利弊,可因检查目的的不同而异,在以检查颅内胶质瘤为目的时,高血糖可提高肿瘤与正常脑皮质18F-FDG摄取的比值,因此有利于残余及复发肿瘤的检出; 但高血糖对18F-FDG显像的共同不利之处在于此时要得到高质量影像需增加采集时间或增加18F-FDG的注射剂量[12]


Reference (12)



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